Sunday, 9 November 2014

5 sentance challange

Here is my entry for the 5 sentence challenge.

The old crumbling house stand's alone.  The door's rusty handle had lost all of its sheen years ago.  Cobwebs lined the windows and a spider as big as a walnut sat in the middle of one.weeds the size of cars were littered all over the yard.  The roof was missing tiles and rainwater dripped through holes in the gutter, an old faded black and white sign read blueberry manor.                                                


  1. Fantastic writing Aeryn, I love it xx

  2. Mrs Skinner (Team100) Bristol, UK12 November 2014 at 08:25

    This is a really interesting piece but unfortunately, 5SC is for emerging writers not those who are developed with their story telling. Please take part in 100WC!

  3. That sounds like fun! Maybe I could try! Ha. I probably wouldn't win though.


  4. Its interesting to read continue posting...
